In-Person Sustainable Styling

Do you have a closet full of clothes and still missing pieces to maximize your existing wardrobe and elevate your personal style?
Get ready — you’ll learn how to make the most out of what you already own and how to shop strategically.


Closet Edit Preparation

  1. Review your personality and lifestyle
  2. Understand your silhouette, skin tone, and colors palette
  3. Define & Understand your personal style

Closet Edit

  1. Discover what . Flattering for your body shape & Identify what is matching your personal style.
  2. Create your Virtual Capsule Wardrobe & upload 10 new outfits combination to your personal lookbook
  3. Identify any needs in your wardrobe
  4. Organize your wardrobe by colors and categories
  5. Create a Clothing Reuse Plan ( Sell, donate or recycle your old clothes ....................)
  6. Talk about eco-friendly practices to take care of your clothes

Virtual Shopping

  1. Create a shopping list of basics and statement pieces to complete your existing wardrobe
  2. Offer expertise on how to shop sustainably and which brands and fabrics are best for you
  3. Develop a sustainable shopping itinerary tailored to your silhouette, personal style, and budget
  4. Pre-shop a selection of outfits in different stores, ready for you to try on

Personal Lookbook

Style and photo shoot up to 20 “go-to” outfits mixing existing and new items for casual, work, travel, events, and nights out.

My Portfolio


A Conscious Style

I believe Style and Sustainability can co-exist, it is all about defining your personal style and building a conscious wardrobe accordingly.


What My Clients Are Saying

“| have worked several times with Elenice, and every meeting was accurately organized. Elenice is a professional stylist and a nice and friendly woman. | met her in Paris and London and on all occasions it was fun spending hours together. She willingly accepted my fashion guidance while | received new ideas about our job from her.”

Caterina Amato

Caterina Amato

Fashion consulter — London (UK) based


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